Thursday, January 12, 2012



We had our appointment today. Needless to say, it certainly wasn't a dull one. It started as a normal ultrasound/prenatal appointment. I peed in the cup. Exposed my gigantic tummy and got the goop spread on my gigantic tummy. The tech proceeded to check Joey's ventricles and head like she always does and she measured they had jumped 7 mm since four weeks ago. They were measuring 20 mm and were now 27 mm. WOWZERS!! That's a pretty large jump. She then continued her journey through the rest of Joey's body and everything else looked fine/same. She sent for the doctor like she always does. A doctor we have never met came in and delivered the news... 

We are having Joey tomorrow.

YES- t.o.m.o.r.r.o.w Friday January 13.

Friday the 13th.

Oh my. Matthew and I weren't prepared for that news. Although we are very very excited.The doctors were just concerned that his ventricles had enlarged so quickly that there could potentially be something going on that they can't see via ultrasound. So we are just a day shy of 37 weeks, which is full term so they weren't overly concerned with him being a premature baby. He also wouldn't be in the NICU any longer than we had originally thought. So all good news. Oh and they said it looked like he weighed about 7 lbs. Geez Louise!

So after getting in touch with my dad and mom and getting them on flights and making arrangements, we decided to go on a date. :) It's been a while since we went out and we figured it was now or 18 yrs from now! So we gorged on some delicious steak and came home to finish preparing for Baby Joey. We have to be at CHOP at 6 AM and my c-section will be a 8:30. They said my recovery will be about 4 hours and then I can travel to the NICU to see Joey. Unfortunately, they aren't sure when they will close his back but we are hoping sooner than later.

Okay, well I have like a million things to do so the next time I will update, there will be an adorable baby boy beside me :)


  1. Congratulations Ashley! Will be praying for your sweet boy that everything will be great and a speedy recovery! Good Luck!

  2. Congrats!! I've been through alot of the same emotions and fears you are feeling with Gaven having down syndrome and being premature. Everything will go perfect & in no time you will have your sweet baby in your arms! Can't wait to see pictures!

  3. Congrats you guys! Praying for the three of you!! Can't wait to see pictures!!

  4. Ashley,
    We have never met, but I am your second cousin (1st cousin to your mom!) and I found your blog through your mom's facebook page! Congrats on your blessing with this precious new little boy! We will be praying for you and your family as you take this new special journey together!
